Jitjatjo releases results of 2021 Human Capital Management Industry Insight Survey

September 7, 2021
4 min read

NEW YORK (September 7, 2021) – As businesses continue to rebound and adjust reopening plans, insights on temporary and gig work in the hospitality, retail, education, healthcare, and facilities industries have been released by Jitjatjo, a workforce management platform and talent marketplace specializing in these areas of expertise. 

Tapping into a qualified talent pool within its own network, Jitjatjo offers a better understanding of topics including general sentiment around the current workforce; reasoning as to why talent may or may not be opting to accept gig work and what workers are looking for in their next role. While some results are consistent with regular news reports, additional findings offer opposing viewpoints with one notable contrast being the impact that collection of unemployment wages has on the decision to return to work. The survey found that, contrary to recent reports, unemployment wages do not top the list of reasons why workers are not actively engaged in today’s workforce and unveiled additional findings that are critical for businesses to consider when building a sustainable workforce. 

“The results of this survey gave us tremendous insight into the ‘how and why’ from the workforce right now and what matters most to talent as they plan or engage in the return to work,” said Jitjatjo Co-Founder and CEO Tim Chatfield. “Human betterment is our mission as a company and it’s critical to take this into consideration when evaluating the trajectory of the workforce. There are so many factors that go much deeper than surface level and obvious assumptions and this survey allows us to better understand what workers value most and what we need to do to continue evolving our own product to meet the needs of the future.” 

Frequency and Industry of Work 

Survey results found that while working status varies across the board, workers remain fiercely loyal to the hospitality industry. 77% of respondents have continued working within the hospitality industry with the other 23% noting transitions into industries including public service, healthcare, business, retail, education and warehouse/manufacturing. 40% of surveyed respondents reported that they had not worked due to reasons including dependents needing care, lack of jobs they are interested in, relocation to different markets and the desire to maintain unemployment. Of the various reasons respondents were not working, collection of unemployment wages was the least popular response, with only 7% of respondents noting this as their primary reason for not working. Respondents also discussed exploring or participating in re-skilling or learning new skills to broaden their professional abilities: 64% of respondents noted picking up new skills during the pandemic and 84% reported learning new skills to work in different industries. 

Sentiment Around Workforce Participation 

When asked about their general feelings about the workforce, 90% of the surveyed Jitjatjo respondents responded that they felt positive and happy. Of the 10% that responded with an unhappy/negative sentiment, only 33% cited the pandemic as the main reason for their feelings. Additional reasoning included lack of long term solutions for childcare and/or care of other family members, mental health, homelessness and wanting to prioritize safety for themselves and others.  These findings demonstrate that, while the pandemic itself is still a large point of stress for many, there are other factors to consider that are not as apparent. 

The Importance of Workforce Flexibility 

Over the past year and half, the importance of flexibility in the workplace has become increasingly prevalent with workers taking on numerous new responsibilities in their day to day lives. When asked about personal reasoning behind choosing flexible work such as gig work, 60% reported enjoying the flexibility with scheduling; 43% reported having a primary job and taking gig work as a source of supplemental income; 18% work an array of temporary jobs with full time hours; 17% are transitioning to a new field; 16% reported being caregivers and needing the flexibility of gig work to meet their needs and 8% reported being current students who need the option to work as their schedules allow. 

Motivation to Return to Work 

There is no “one size fits all” answer as it pertains to encouraging and motivating talent to return to the workforce with the lives of so many workers changing drastically over the past year and a half. When asked about what incentivizes them the most as it pertains to getting back to work, an overwhelming 76% of survey participants cited higher hourly wage as a key incentive with 52% noting a desire for access to jobs closer to them. 42% reported access to instant pay following shift completion as well as increased benefits as priority incentives, while 41% reported the end of the pandemic and 24% noting reliable forms of transportation as key. 

“One of the most important takeaways from this survey was the outside factors that workers consider in relation to the workforce that are not as apparent at surface level - factors like dependent care, health concerns and beyond,” stated Chatfield. “Workers’ day-to-day lives have changed drastically over the past year and a half and while certain responses were consistent with the news reports regularly being released, we gained tremendous insight into  what workers find most important when evaluating a role or workplace. Businesses must take these needs into consideration to create a sustainable, successful workplace that is attracting and maintaining the right kind of talent.” 

The value of flexibility is arguably one of the most notable survey findings and Jitjatjo’s Flex program leverages its proprietary matching algorithm to best match talent with jobs that fit the criteria of what they are looking for in a role, ultimately setting talent up for success and satisfaction.  For more information and to stay apprised on the latest Jitjatjo news, visit  www.jitjatjo.com and follow along via LinkedIn and Jitjatjo’s blog.

  * This survey was conducted by Jitjatjo in spring 2021. It was distributed to a group of 3,489 members of Jitjatjo’s talent database who have not picked up a shift within the last 90 days. The survey, created within the Survicate program, consisted of 10 multiple-choice, free-form and scaled questions and participants received a $25 Nift gift card as compensation.


About Jitjatjo 

Jitjatjo is an innovative workforce management platform and talent marketplace that services the hospitality, retail, education, healthcare, and facilities industries by providing vetted, qualified, W2 talent to fill contingent labor roles through prioritization of the on-demand workforce. Jitjatjo connects qualified talent with part-time, flexible work that aligns with their skills, schedules, qualifications and preferences to maximize productivity, empower lifestyle choices and encourage human betterment. For more information, visit www.jitjatjo.com, follow along via LinkedIn and stay apprised on the latest company news through Jitjatjo’s blog


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