Meet the CEO Making Shift Work Easier With AI

July 11, 2024
4 min read

Dominic Esposito, the newly appointed CEO of Jitjatjo, is no stranger to the world of shift work. As co-founder and former CTO, he's been instrumental in developing the company's AI-powered staffing platform. Now, he's taking the reins with a bold vision: to empower shift workers and make Network the go-to solution for managing shift-based teams. Get ready to dive into Dom's world as we explore his vision for the future, his personal journey, and his insights into the evolving landscape of work.

Tell us about your education and early career.
I attended Babson College, specializing in entrepreneurship and innovation. My first job was working as a catering server for a temp staffing agency, Metropolitan Staffing,. This early exposure to the industry laid the foundation for my understanding and passion for staffing solutions.

Tell us about a pivotal career moment for you.
A pivotal moment in my career was leading strategy at Applico, a platform-based consultancy. There I learned the foundation of how marketplaces worked and built 10+ startups.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
The best advice I've ever received is to always stay curious and never stop learning. Innovation comes from constantly questioning the status quo and seeking better solutions.

Who is your inspiration?
My father is my biggest inspiration. His dedication to his work and his ability to make it seem so easy to balance multiple jobs has always motivated me to strive for excellence.

What are your hobbies and passions outside of work?

I have a passion for technology and its potential to solve real-world problems. In my free time, I enjoy building products and staying updated on the latest advancements in AI and machine learning.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I admit to being a bit of a free spirit. I find joy in the simple pleasures of life and enjoy being in nature.

Fun Fact?
I started working in temp staffing when I was a kid, helping my dad with paperwork at his staffing agency. It’s funny to think how that early experience has come full circle.

Any books that are a must read?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari is a must-read. It gives good context to how we’ve got to this point in human history and Homo Deus as to how we may evolve.

If you could go anywhere, what’s your destination of choice?
Having lived and worked in various parts of the world, I have a deep appreciation for New York City. Its vibrant energy and diverse culture make it my favorite place.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
If I could invite anyone to a dinner party, it would be Steve Jobs. His visionary approach to product design and his relentless pursuit of excellence have always inspired me.

What's the biggest change you'd like to see in the staffing industry?
The biggest change I'd like to see in our industry is a broader recognition of the value and potential of the frontline workforce. They are essential to the economy, and it's time we innovate to better support them.

Proudest moment at Jitjatjo so far?
One of my proudest moments was seeing our AI matching technology achieve a 95% fulfillment rate. It validated years of hard work and innovation by our team.

What will the future of your industry look like?
In the next five years, I see flexible work becoming the predominant mode of work. We will go from 80% full-time, 20% flexible to 80% flexible, 20% full-time. Companies will seek more agile solutions to adapt to changing market dynamics, and the role of AI in optimizing workforce management will become even more critical.


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